For a move like this. The Double Drive time would be 48 mins. ( 24 mins drive * 2 )
All California movers are required to abide by the laws of the California Public Utilties Commision (CPUC). Within these laws are stipulations around what costs can be passed down to customers. For all hourly moves in the State of California, moving companies are required to charge double drive time.
The actual CPUC law is written as follows:
‘the time used shall be the total of loading, unloading and double the driving time from point of origin to point of destination.’
Origin - Your current home / office
Destination - Your new home / office
CPUC requires all moving companies use the double drive time law to protect consumers.
Using double drive time provides visibility to the customer of the actual driving costs being paid and it compensates the moving company for their actual driving time, plus the time to return to the origin (where the job started).
Using the double drive time law, the customer is responsible for all drive time between the new and old house and the moving company is responsible for the driving time between their warehouse and the origin location.
For those that are curious, we’ve included the complete double drive time law below, as well as a link to the source on the CPUC website. - CPUC Website Link: Link
1. In computing charges accruing under the hourly rates contained in Item 320, the time used shall be the total of loading, unloading and double the driving time from point of origin to point of destination, subject to EXCEPTIONS 1 through 3.
EXCEPTION 1 – When carrier is required to perform more than one trip between origin and destination, the time used shall be the total of loading and unloading time, to which will be added double driving time for the first trip from origin to destination and actual driving time for all additional trips between origin and destination for each motor vehicle furnished by carrier.
EXCEPTION 2 – When two or more shipments are transported on a unit of equipment at the same time, the time used shall be the total of loading and unloading time plus 25 minutes total driving time for each shipment.
EXCEPTION 3 – When split pickup, split delivery or split pickup and split delivery in combination is performed, the time used shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Items 148, 152, or 156, respectively.